Journal Entries

RKL Digital-Media Professional Experience - Wednesday, 29th July 2020.


Professional Experience class will be helping us find our career path. To find out this effectively we have to find out our personality type, critically accessing our strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, this class gives us professional advice to handle freelance projects and business advice we can take note of in the future.


Critically accessing my strengths and weaknesses


Through my process of being a creative enthusiast, I have learned a lot about designing. I have had mentors help me become the person I am today. I didn’t know how to play with any software when I first started my diploma, but I have come a long way learning everything from scratch in the past two years. I am so proud of my progress to be able to create designs within mere minutes. It’s no doubt there is plenty more to learn. My learning process has had many ups and downs but eventually with each downfall managed to find a solution to express my work the best I can.


Like any human I also do have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to designing. One of my major strengths is being disciplined. This allows me to be focused for a long period of time when I am engaged in a task and the result is, I get the job done effectively. I also love working on illustrative based projects along with minimal stop motion animation. I consider illustrations as one of my strong suits. Not only that but I am also good at typography I also am receptive to criticism so I can change my design to their desires. Change is inevitable so we have to adapt according to the changes.


On the other hand, my weaknesses are evident when it comes to judging. I feel like I over do my projects most times as I am not great at judging. In the personality test I took this is also mentioned. I am working this weakness of mine to improve. I believe every weakness is a door to greater possibilities.




-       Focused

-       Illustrations

-       Typography Design

-       Receptive to criticism

-       Minimal stop motion animation.



-       Overdoing

-       Not good at Judging

My Career Pathway

I am good at the following things I am listing. I feel like this is the pathway I should take as these are my areas of expertise. I would like to work in a digital design studio as I would love to gain more experience. Not only that but I also feel working in a digital design studio trains me to adapt my designs to different styles as I will be working on different types of design projects.


-       Graphics Design

-       Motion Graphics Animation

-       Illustration

-       Crafts


To find out about my weaknesses and strengths I made a personality test




To find out this effectively we have to find out our personality type, I have critically assessed strengths and weaknesses. I have mentioned this in my journal entry part as well.




-       Focused

-       Illustrations

-       Typography Design

-       Receptive to criticism

-       Minimal stop motion animation.




-       Overdoing


Designer Type


My career pathway is to be a digital studio designer. This kind of design studio focuses not only on one style of design but many different styles. It would also help me build different kinds of perspectives on digital design and I will gather many informative (Amen Tyagi, 2011). I will be up to date with the current situations around the society and world as digital designers. 

I am good at the following things I am listing. I feel like this is the pathway I should take as these are my areas of expertise. I would like to work in a digital design studio as I would love to gain more experience. Not only that but I also feel working in a digital design studio trains me to adapt my designs to different styles as I will be working on different types of design projects.

-       Graphics Design

-       Motion Graphics Animation

-       Illustration

-       Crafts

Studio designers are able to adapt to many new different styles as they always working on multiple different projects. I also experienced this during my internship as i worked in a digital designers studio. The amount of work that is varied tunes your brain to received new ideas and work on many new perspectives.

This experience inspired me to not only stick to one style but experiment a variety. Sometimes it is hard but the more variety you can juggle up the more you can work. Moreover, having other skills such as coding and prototyping simple apps can enhance your skills in the industry as all works are digital. Proposing ideas and pitching will be more likely if these skills are used as-well.

For these multiple reason it is a dream of mine to work in a big digital design studio to enhance my skills and my visual thinking.


Amen Tyagi, 2011. Digital designers explained, quickly!. [Online] Available at: < >
[Accessed 2 November 2020].

Check out my other posts under assignment progress label to view my progress for this subject
