Work placement - Week 01

19th August 2020 was our first day of work placement. On Tuesday morning we had meeting at the client’s office to discuss our project. We met the team behind modern essentials website. They welcomed us and had a room set for us to discuss. We also got to have a look and feel of their products that we will be working on with.



Our task is to make designs for their social media such as Instagram and Facebook to promote their brand. The 2 brands we are working with are Korean brands.


We are in charge of making the social media posts that bring out the products features and benefits. We will be posting twice a week for 5 weeks. So, a total of 20 items delivering as a team to the client.



-       JVR: Kitchenware products

-       Geogarnic: Skin care products



Our client briefly explained about the 2 brands and their purpose. We are free to express our designs in our own way as long as it fits for the brand. My group mates and I had a discussion later after the client left us to explore. We made a few mind maps to get a gist of how this campaign will go down

Pictures from this week:

Next week Deliverables:


-       Gannt Chart

-       Art Direction & Style

-       Sketches and Storyboard
