Work placement – Week 2

This week we had an online meeting on Skype. Our meeting took on 24th August 2020 which is a Monday. This week as our clients were not able to meet on Wednesday which is our usual meeting day. 

We shared the client with the ideas for how we will do the project. Showed them the art direction and our deliverables.


4 posts for JVR 

4 posts for Georganic

Total 8 photos

3 stories for Geogarnic 

2 stories for JVR

Total 5 stories

Art Direction:




Colour Theme:


We decided to divide the work among the group. Since there were 4 of us, we decided that we will work in teams of 2. I am working on the Georganic Skincare posts with emma. We will be doing the photoshoot and necessary designs for the Georganic Brand.

Crystal and Schah will be working mostly on JVR and will be responsible for the post designs. If needed we will all help each other as this is a team but, this is how we divided the workload among us to make it easier for us instead of working on the 2 brands at once,

Next week:

Photoshoot for JVR and Georganic
