Work placement – Week 3

This week we received the box with the products last week Thursday. We planned to take pictures in the studio initially, but we had to make other plans as the studio was full for a long time. We decided to do an outdoor shoot with the natural light as we had cameras.

Wednesday 2nd September is the day we took pictures first. We took pictures for JVR first. One of the group members left the project so we are helping the other team mate first. The outcome for the stainless-steel pictures were really nice. 

Later in the afternoon we all had a Skype call with the client. We shared some untouched pictures so they will have an idea of how our task went. The client was overall very satisfied with the work 3 of us are delivering

During the Skype call we asked them some necessary questions such as:

1. Are we allowed to use the products in the skincare package for photoshoot purposes?

  • The client was okay with us unpackaging the stainless-steel containers, but we were not allowed to use the products in the skin care products. We were very satisfied with these answers as this helps us avoid any unnecessary problems

On Thursday morning I had a photoshoot for Geogarnic on. We didn’t share further any updates to the client this week as Wednesday is our usual day to share updates with them. Also we managed to finish the photo shoot this week. Next week is  Post Production.

Some pictures from this week’s photoshoot:

Next week Task:

Start with the touching up of the photographs  and making the designs for the instagram posts and stories
