Work Placement Reflection


Personal Reflection


Overall the work placement went smoothly. We had two major jobs. That was shooting the products and then making social media posts out of them. The first part went quite well considering we didn't get the studio. We did the shoot outdoors and the pictures were pretty good. I personally am satisfied with how the photography part went. We had two groups, that was the JVR and Georganic.  


This project made me understand the importance of communication and collaborating with each other’s ideas to make the best outcome possible. It was quite difficult as our communication wasn't the strongest, but in the end, we managed to pull it off perfectly. I was in the group that was responsible for the skin care products also known as Georganic. me and my teammate Emma shot the pictures for the skin care. We helped our other teammate to shoot the food photography for JVR.


Before we shot the pictures, we found references and concepts that we can follow for both brands. We followed these and took the pictures according to our sketches. I personally had a really fun time working with my classmates as it was just a few of us working together. We bonded well and had a fun time executing the work. I worked on the animations for the skin care products while my friend edited the pictures. My other teammate worked on animations for JVR.


Through this group project I discovered that we should be prepared in a professional manner, which we lacked a little while we dealt with the clients. I feel this is a point that we can work on to have smooth conversations and problem solving.


Below are some things that I feel we can work on:


1.Effective & Clear Communication Skills

Communication is important between the client and among the group. Without communication it would be very difficult to express what we are thinking and executing. expectations of people will be difficult to predict without proper communication skills. during the designing process, every little information must be shared throughout the initial stages among the group mates. Furthermore, after you discussed with your teammates the initial direction then only shares the information with the client (Chugh, 2018).


Wrong information shared may cause problems within the group. inform the group mates first before you take an action as this is the group that you will be designing with for your client. this way you have the clients trust since all unnecessary information is not shared but only the necessary information is shared with the client. This is the professional manner a designer should be communicating.


2.Solving problems

It’s no doubt problems will occur in the process. We must learn to be sensitive to other emotions so we can see things in another perspective (Polaczyk, 2016). It's our job as designers to be sensitive to the client's needs. Sometimes it might not be pleasant. The client might demand more than what's needed but we must mention our boundaries and what we can do. problems may occur due to many things but it's our job to find a solution to it. Whether it be through design or just by communicating and making things work.


3.Managing time and projects

Making a Gantt chart to keep track of your tasks and to share your progress with the client is important. This ensures the clients trust between you and the project. I personally believe having a plan and following it will hope you finish your project on time. Time is always crucial and working around it and keeping your client updated will give you confidence and more time to relax. That way you would not be working during hours that is meant for rest. Managing your time puts you in control with the situations. Focus purely on your work when you are working this way you get things done with less effort (Eaton, 2017)


With these skills I believe that any team can successfully pull off a project with minimal complications as everything is well organized with clear communications. Focusing on your design in making corrections according to the comments received by the client will ensure smooth sailing projects.



Chugh, A., 2018. Importance of communication in the design process. [Online] Available at: <,or%20with%20the%20end%20users.&text=Information%20needs%20to%20be%20communicated%20in%20every%20phase%20of%20the%20design%20process.>[Accessed 2 November 2020].


Polaczyk, J., 2016. 4 Steps to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving with Examples. [Online] Available at: <>[Accessed 2 November 2020].


Eaton, T., 2017. A little time management can make you a way better designer. [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 November 2020].



Presentation for Work Placement
